Excerpts The only way to solve the problems of the city of the present is to conceive a pattern which will permit the natural gro... Jan. 1960 The networks are going to be absolutely mechanical and automatic, interconnecting the cells by transportation and commun... Nov. 1966 The future is a continuation of the past. We cannot eliminate our biological, social, economic and cultural inheritance.... May 1972 We are moving from the megalopolis to the universal city, where all the great cities of the world will be interconnected... Nov. 1968 The kinetic fields define the distances people desire to cross in order to come together. How can we build a settlement ... Dec. 1967 We are wrong in many respects when we deal with movement and the city. I will concentrate here on three very basic error... June 1974 The errors of master plans and regional plans are that they are two dimensional or, in the best cases, three dimensional... Jan. 1959 In order to understand our whole system of life we have to look to the past and to the future with thousands of heads, w... May 1972 The modern city should be a synthesis of the human scale and the mechanical scale. Smaller units, which can be planned o... Nov. 1964 Our new task is not to live in a shrunken world, but to live at many scales simultaneously. The city on human scale does... Feb. 1967 Records 1-10 from 17